DIY: Make-up setting spray

Hello everyone!

You have probably noticed that most make-up setting sprays can be quite pricey, but this DIY setting spray  is very affordable.  It has only 2 ingredients and it is healthy for your skin.  What more could you ask for? 

You will need:
  • vegetable glycerin
  • rose water
  • small spray/mister bottle


The recipe calls for a 1:10 glycerin to distilled water ratio.  I like to substitute the water with rose water.  Instead of just water, you could also use a mixture of water, rosewater and witch hazel. 
  1. Measure the glycerin and put it into the spray bottle.
  2. Add the rose water.
  3. Shake to amalgamate the ingredients together.

Spray before you apply any make-up as a primer and again after you have applied your make-up to seal it in place.  Don’t hold the spray bottle too close, you don’t want to get your face wet!  Just a slight mist will do. 

This spray helps set your foundation or powder to achieve a flawless look that will last all day.  It's also great to spray on mid-day to refresh your make-up. 

Always shake well before use to redistribute the mixture.

Tip: Because this mixture is all natural and preservative free you will need to keep it in the fridge.  It will last about 3 weeks and then you should make a new batch.  

It keeps your make-up set for hours, plus, glycerin will hold moisture in your skin!

You’ll love it!


I'm a vegan passionate about sustainability and clean, cruelty-free products. My focus is on writing lifestyle, wellness, and self-care articles. As a true crime enthusiast, I also delve into this genre, sharing my insights through articles and videos on my two YouTube channels.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment! If you ask a question I will answer it asap. – Cosette

  1. I actually use Boots brand Glycerin & Rosewater liquid as a moisturiser and it's a great make-up base so I'd imagine this one would work rather well too :) Never thought of using it a setter...going to try that now, thanks!
    Carol C. @

  2. Thank you for sharing this interesting and informative article, spray make up with airless spray gun will be faster and more interesting!

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