Do you brush your face?!

Hello everyone!

Lately, the use of facial brushes seems to be gaining popularity.  There are various facial brushes available on the market; ranging from small manual ones, that look like a toothbrush, to larger electric ones with various attachments.

wooden face brush

A soft-bristle face brush is used to get a more radiant complexion by gently loosening dead skin cells and impurities while stimulating circulation.  Most brushes are gentle enough for all skin types.  Besides deep cleansing and softening the skin, facial brushing can also help reduces the appearance of acne scars and fine lines.

How to use:

Splash warm water onto the face and neck and apply your cleansing product.  Gently massage into the skin, using the face brush, in small circular movements, then rinse with warm water.  After use, splash your face with cool water and pat dry.  Follow with a toner and moisturiser suitable for your skin type.

If you have whiteheads when using this, make sure to clean your brush with antiseptic soap and water and wash off any residue before use. Be sure to go over those spots really gently.


I also find that this is the quickest and safest way to get rid of blackheads.  Blackheads (impurities that block the pores) will come to the surface while brushing, making it very easy to extract with a blackhead extractor. 

Talk soon, 



I'm a vegan with a passion for sustainability and clean, cruelty-free products. I mainly write lifestyle, wellness and self-care articles. Since I'm a true crime enthusiast, sometimes I also write about true crime and post videos on my two YouTube channels.


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