Weekly recap 01 - 08 January

Hello everyone, happy Sunday!

The holiday season is officially over. I hope you had splendid end-of-year holidays, whatever holidays you celebrate. 

It's time for the first weekly recap of 2023! 

A week ago, my Maltipoo Rascal turned four. Obviously, I had to post about his birthday! On Monday, I posted about my curly hair journey and how my curl pattern is changing and becoming looser. Then, on Wednesday, I published a post explaining why you should stop using terrycloth towels to dry your hair and what you should use instead. And last but certainly not least, on Friday, I wrote an article about the feast of the Epiphany and the legend of La Befana (aka The Christmas Witch).


weekly recap collage


It's my dog's fourth (4th) birthday! 🎂

My curl pattern is changing...

Why you should stop using regular hair towels

Epiphany and the legend of "La Befana"

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Talk to you soon!



I'm a vegan with a passion for sustainability and clean, cruelty-free products. I mainly write lifestyle, wellness and self-care articles. Since I'm a true crime enthusiast, sometimes I also write about true crime and post videos on my two YouTube channels.

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